Checking that your heat pump is working properly is an important step to guarantee good performance.
Here are some tips to know if your heat pump is working properly
- Start by checking the pressure level and sensor analysis results using your phone app.
- Also check the air filters and make sure they are clean and free of debris. You also need to control the air flow. Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the incoming and outgoing air.
- Also check the condition of the electrical connections and make sure they are clean and free of corrosion.
- Also check if the unit is plugged in correctly and if it is securely connected to the power source.
- If you notice an abnormal noise or leak, it is best to contact a qualified technician to check your heat pump. This is the only way to ensure that your heat pump is working properly.
- Start automatic cleaning at the end of winter and at the end of autumn to reduce the level of clogging on your machine.